Socio-Legal Studies Association

Where law meets social sciences & the humanities

SLSA Precarious Employment Report published 

The SLSA is concerned about the increase in precarious working among the socio-legal community. We are committed to supporting colleagues and documenting their situation and experiences. As part of its Equality, Diversity and Inclusion programme, in late 2022, led by the SLSA Precarity Rep Arwen Joyce, the SLSA Board designed and conducted a survey to collect data from SLSA members about their experiences of precarious employment. The survey was open to all members, whether currently in precarious employment or not. The Board is grateful to all those who took the time to respond.
The data has now been analysed and collated by Arwen and colleagues on the Board, and we are delighted to publish it. The report includes comprehensive details of the survey, methodology and response rates, analysis of the results and reflections and next steps.
The full report is available here.
If you have any comments or feedback on the survey process or the report itself, Arwen would be delighted to hear from you. Please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..